内村鑑三 創世記 1章1節(2)

GENESIS I : 1.  大正8110日『聖書之研究』222号署名なし
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The universe had a beginning, it will have an end ; it, after all, is a time-phenomenon. God created the universe ; it did not evolve itself.
God created it ; it was not a haphazard work ; creation is a supreme effort with a definite end in view. God created the universe; therefore, it will not end in failure.
The heaven is a perfect machinery; so will the earth be the home of the righteous and true. The meek shall possess the earth; not the strong and clever, as they do now.
God’s creation must end in perfection, in “new heavensand a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” In the very first verse of the Bible are containedall its promises, and all the hopes of mankind.
GENESIS I : 1. 創世記1章1節